Many traders begin trading by limiting their trades on a few pairs of currency or trade on all the tools they can be traded. Why is that?
Let's take the first example, there remember frequently for beginners who confine their trades a small number of key pairs, such as EUR / USD and GBP / USD reasons. Some of these reasons are:
These couples more active during the European trading sessions and North American, and that may be my favorite trading hours.
Low Spreads.
These couples tend to act in a technical, and the majority of the common deliberative systems tend to be designed around their actions.
Avoid confusion and tension that may come from trying to daily trading on the many tools at the same time.
The majority of online tools based on these currency pairs.
Is this really good reasons to restrict trading only pairs EUR / USD and GBP / USD? In my view, it is not enough, and that the traders take a better way:
Most likely all couples have a higher activity and size during the European trading hours / North American anyway.
The need to pay a higher prevalence of small pairs compared to the main couples should not be an impediment to profit, when taking into consideration that the trades made on medium or long periods.
It is possible to configure an excellent trading strategy for couples that tend to behave less technical manner.
Tension can be avoided if you know what you're looking for and manage your trades discipline.
Surprising that there is a lot of material on the Internet that offer a deliberative systems expires final word "works" with the EUR / USD and GBP / USD, and is supposed to be "good" with other couples as well. It was a proficient surgeon surgery and clutching Avabr way to being the process.
This is not a good way to manage the transition from circulation as soon as a few pairs to think about the movements during the whole currency market. It is best to do this jump more disciplined way, and so do not be like traders who start a pair euro / US dollar and get bored and start trading everything else the same way.