
Currency list, which enables you to reach out

Currency list, which enables you to reach out
Alforox currency market is a quantitative mentioned and so you will find most of the world's currencies and the names of the most famous usd, eur, gbp, jpy and many of them

We note that all written spouse currencies and this label back on Alamlatan which will be traded on them for example, we find eurusd the first 3 letters mean the Euro and the 3 second letters mean the dollar and thus called on the pair pair Eurodollar and means the price of the euro against the dollar, or rather how much equals 1 euro against the dollar and a priest in all currencies

2. indicators and are talked previously and that will enable us to know the price

3. The time rate of change, a benchmark that we will learn to read, God willing, and there are several strategies for it and call it Alfrem fream name

This is one of the most important basics that must be rolling her knowledge and that Shaul There's a lot about Forex

I hope I have started to clarify the image of each Forex brothers who want to enter the world of earning Fetch and private world of forex
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